Monday, February 28, 2011

Anthem 5K Fitness Classic

Well we did it, we finished the 5K again this year. Mike did good running in 25minutes, Angela on the other hand just finished the race-- not a good time at all but a huge accomplishment to have finished just 8wks after having Mathus and having gotten in just one run since her pregnancy started and weighing 20lbs more than she did when she ran it last year. The race was a huge wake up call to the need to get to the gym or out on the road WAY more often and really turn around this whole weight loss journey. Both of us want to be active parents with our kids as they grow up and we know lifestyle changes are necessary and now that we are done having kids it is definitely the time to turn things around! We are on a mission to bring an increased level of health into our household for both our kids and us! Wish us luck not only on this journey to healthy living, weight loss, good eating habits, physically active and mentally healthy too but also on our upcoming race in 2wks our 10K!!!!

(a photo that definitely gives me TONS of motivation to work even harder to get my body back)

Week 5

Angela: -0.2
Mike: -2.2

Week 4

Angela: -0.8
Mike: -0.2

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Giving In.....

Well, we have officially gave into our competitive sides and signed up for not only the Mini-marathon in April but for the entire triple crown which starts with a 5K in just under 2wks followed by a 10k in mid-march and a 10-mile race in late march. I have officially been cleared by my doctor to begin running again as of tomorrow Feb. 14th and have until the 26th to get my rear in gear for the 5K...... Wish me luck, I will definitely need it for this one! This years goal: FINISH THE RACE!!!

Pop's Visit

Well with three kids to chase after now we have found the camera coming out less and less and unfortunately Pop's visit was no exception to that change. We did at least capture a couple of pics of the boys playing in the snow with Pop even though they aren't the best since I was inside the house holding Mathus trying to capture a few good shots and keep the baby warm!

The boys had a great time getting to know their Pop a bit better with some one on one time this trip. Pop took each of the boys on their own "special" time with him to go shopping. Both Pop and the boys LOVED their alone time together and according to Pop the boys behaved wonderfully! He also took Mahkii on a special bowling trip which he had never done before and was a big hit, something Mike and I will definitely have to continue doing with him. I was worried Maezyn would be upset with Pop taking Mahkii and not him but sure enough Maez fell asleep before they left and didn't wake up until they returned so has far as he knows Mahkii never went anywhere! Pop loved holding Mathus and rocking him to sleep as well. It was a great time having him here and this trip made him say that he wants to come back more often, which is a pretty big deal for us since he is always complaining about Kentucky and us living here! (way to go boys on convincing your Pop to visit more!!!!!) We are all hoping that Pop will be able to make it some time in April, either to join us in taking the boys to Thunder or later in the month/early May for other derby festivities--- we will just have to wait and see......

Week 3

Mike: -1.4
Angela: -3

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week 2

Mike: -2.8
Angela: -1.4