Well we survived our first week post-Nana's visit!!! Nana was such a helping hand while she was here it made for a hard week this past week without her. Nana came in on Saturday and was able to stay all the way through the following Saturday and Gramps flew in mid-week on Wed also leaving on Saturday! Angela was able to have a "date" night with her mom which they spent painting pottery at a cool little art studio. Angela and Mike also got to go on a date night which they spent at the shooting range- a cool new experience for the both of them. Mike and Angela also went and ran the Anthem 5K while Nana and Gramps were available to watch over the boys. Finally, we sent Nana and Gramps out on a well deserved date night to our favorite steak house!!! The time Angela got to spend with her mom was AWESOME... but it has made her miss her mom even more.
Mahkii bonded very well with Gramps, clinging to him most of his visit. Maezyn was Nana's little snuggle bug and of course Mathus just slept, ate, cried, and pooped!!! Nana will sure tell you they all pooped and pooped and pooped (hehehehe). Nana probably changed more diapers in her week here than she has in years--THANK YOU!!!! Nana and Gramps also took Mahkii on a special day to the Louisville Slugger Museum and again Maezyn slept the whole time and had no idea Mahkii got to go anywhere special. Nana said Mahkii was amazingly well behaved on their outing though he came home and turned into quite the trouble maker.
Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures since our hands always seemed to be full but we did have lots of good memories and if we get a hold of any of the pics from Nana or Gramps cameras we will be sure to add them. Also, we will post a picture of the pottery Nana and Angela made!!!