Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Getting Fit :)

For those of you that don't know, we started weight watchers in the middle of September. Mike has since lost 30lbs and has fallen just below his goal weight. He is now working to build back about 5lbs in muscle. Now that Maezyn is old enough to go to the play center at the gym that is a much easier task to accomplish! Angela, has lost 29lbs with the program and hopes to continue her weight loss for about another 15-20lbs. We never thought we'd do something like weight watchers but it works out wonderfully for both of us and has taught us a lot about our portion control!

To go along with our dietary lifestyle changes we have also increased our activity level again! As we mentioned we can now bring both kiddo's to the gym so this allows for Angela to go during the day when she is home with them and for Mike to give Angela a break in the evening by taking them with him to the gym when he gets home from work. Plus on the weekends that Angela doesn't work we will be attending kick-boxing classes together and perhaps one evening a week we will do a yoga class! One evening a week we also have both kids in parent/child swim class so that it just one other fitness opportunity for us and a great exposure to the water for the boys.

April 24th we will be racing in our first ever 1/2 marathon, which we have been training for both at the gym and, when the weather is good enough, we take the kiddos out in the jogger for road runs. As a part of our training we have also signed up for the Triple Crown of Running which is three races consisting of a 5K (march 6th), 10K (march 20th), and then a 10-mile (april 3rd). Wish us luck, we NEED it!!!!


The Pitmans said...

we must be reading each other's minds....check out my blog!!! (great minds think alike) anyway, I'll see you there, maybe we could train a few days together. keep in mind...I'M SLOW!!! but hey, slow and steady wins the race, right?

Lauren said...

Congrats on the weight loss guys!!! It is certainly a hard battle. Good Job! You look awesome!