Saturday, March 20, 2010

Running Season Continues

(Mahkii insisted in being in the picture- planning for his future post-race shots!!!)

Rodes City 10K completed today!!!! This was a first ever distance for both Mike and Angela and we didn't do to bad either!!!

Mike- 46:02 (7:20 minute/mile pace)
489/7300 overall
424/3248 males
67/381 males 25-29

Angela- 53:11 (8:28 minute/mile pace)
1672/7300 overall
402/4052 females
115/646 females 25-29

We are both thrilled by the results and hope to continue running/training the way we have been so that we can keep improving on these "starting-point" times!!!

The weather was also a bit nicer this time around and we only had to run in long sleeves and tights plus gloves for some of the race. Thankfully we got to leave our hats and jackets in the car!

Now we must kick training into even higher or should we say "longer" gear as we prep for our 10-mile on April 3rd!!!!


Lauren said...

Wow!!!! You guys look AWESOME!!! My hat's off to you...I just cannot get with the distance thing!! you!!!!! xoxox

The Pitmans said...

way to go!!! angela - you look AWESOME!!!

chrislotito said...

Mike, who is that skinny chick next to you in the photo?? She sure is hot. You both are looking really good (and fit). Congradulations to the both of you and good running in your future races. Mike, don't forget to throw up after the race....for me for old times sake. Please Give my love to both of my awesome grandsons. Love "POP"