Monday, January 31, 2011

1-month & 18months

Well Mathus and Maezyn had their check-ups today.

Mathus- Has gained almost 4lbs in 4wks, weighing in at 9lbs 8.4oz, up from hospital discharge weight of just 6lbs 3oz. Needless to say they were VERY impressed especially since he is only breastfed. This weight put him the 50th percentile. As for height, well the little man only grew 1in putting him at just 20in. which is the 10th percentile. Everything else checked out just PERFECT, the N.P. was very pleased!

Maezyn- Well middle man jumped up big time in height moving from the 10th percentile up to the 50th at 32in. As for weight he dropped just a tiny bit on the scale from the 35th down to the 25th percentile (no surprise with the huge jump in height) weighing in now at 23lbs 11oz. His 2 year molars are trying to pop through already. His motor skills are quite impressive and rather advanced for his age and the N.P. found his personality and awareness of social ques to be off the charts for his age!

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