Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas 2010

Christmas was a bit different for us this year as it was more of a quite day. With Angela being nearly due we didn't travel anywhere and with everyone's busy schedules no family was able to make it into town this year either so we had a "quiet" (yeah right) at home Christmas!

Well on Christmas eve day we decided to bake sugar cookies and have Aunt Patty, Uncle Tom, Chris, Danny and Helen over to decorate cookies with the boys and celebrate the holiday with them. This was a great time-- the boys did really good with the decorating and exceptionally good with the eating of the cookies!!!

We received amazing gifts from everyone and look forward to our couples massage that Danny and Helen gave us in our 3 under 3 survival bin! The boys got into opening presents as well and absolutely loved their cars scene rug.

That night we had a nice quiet ham dinner with just the four of us then sat by the fire allowing the kids to open their christmas eve traditional PJ gift and then read The Night Before Christmas. Granda and Grandpa had requested we open their gift on Christmas-Eve and it was the book (the night before christmas) and when you turn the pages it is Granda and Grandpa reading the story with sound effects and all included--- GREAT job!!! The boys got a kick out of hearing their grandparents read the story.

Once the boys were in bed we set up "santa" which included a picnic table for the boys to share along with 54 Dr. Seuss books to go in their "new" Dr. Seuss decorated room (we will get to that) and of course a ton of cars! Their shared stocking was stuffed with all the essentials from diapers, to bath toys, sippy cups and utensils.

They each had their own stockings as well with a movie and socks, underwear, hats, gloves etc. Santa brought Mahkii a Cars bike and Maezyn a tricycle. Plus they each received a real child size broom so they can help mommy clean and rain and snow boots too!!!!

It was a great Christmas filled with amazing gifts from everyone and more importantly some nice family time. Although the day was not as relaxing as we had hoped since the kids were so hyped up but all in all it was amazing to just stay in PJ's all day and spend quality time together!

Oh, we also got the surprise of a "white Christmas"-- Here is our house on Christmas Eve

The boys Christmas morning:

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